Equipment Categories Select
Alpine Groomers Mid-Size / Large Alpine Groomers
LITE Groomers LITE Groomers
Small Grooming Drags Small Grooming Drags
Trail Groomers Mid-Sized / Large Trail Groomers
Winch Groomers Winch Groomers
Lance Towers Economy Lance Towers/Workhorse Snowmaking Towers
Snow Stakes Snow Stakes


The 2022 SnowOps Equipment Comparison Guide has been compiled to provide an overview of snow grooming and snowmaking equipment for next year’s season.

Thank you to all the manufacturers who participated by providing their specifications. If you would like to be included in next year’s guide, please send an email to

WHAT to know before browsing the GUIDE
1. Specifications come directly from the manufacturers. All the specifications inside this issue are chosen by the manufacturer for you. Each of the companies featured have made these choices based on the criteria provided to them.

2. Manufacturers have many more makes and models. The manufacturers have many more models and choices within their product lines. It is important that any potential buyer contact the company directly to discuss specific needs according to your organization’s size, region, weather patterns and budgets.

3. The equipment inside this issue is ready to order. All of the equipment featured here is available to order. Some manufacturers can deliver now and some will provide delivery in the fall. Please contact the manufacturer for dates of availability.

4. Some manufacturers are missing – this is not an exhaustive list. While we try to contact all major manufacturers of grooming and snowmaking equipment so that there is equal opportunity in SnowOps, not all are able to participate. Please call any manufacturers directly to get their specifications – it’s important that you have all the right information before making buying decisions.

5. Not all specifications are equal. Even though a side-by-side comparison can be valuable, we suggest you discuss your needs directly with each manufacturer of the equipment you are researching. No decision should be made on specifications alone.