I find that I am at a loss for how to start this message. As I write this, we are in midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and my thoughts are going out to everyone because we truly are all in this together. No industry, no sector, no business, no individual has been unaffected by this situation in some way.
My hope is that when this issue publishes, we will be starting to emerge from this unprecedented world health crisis. If we’re still practicing physical distancing and self-isolation, I hope this issue of SnowOps will be a welcome distraction and inspiration for when life (and business) return to normal.
Thank you to the companies who participated in this year’s SnowOps Equipment Comparison Guide. If you’re an original equipment manufacturer and want to be included in next year’s guide, send me a email. Submission guidelines will also be announced in our January 2021 issue.
Jim Timlick caught up with two Newfoundland and Labrador friends, Jeff Humphries and Perry White, who have come up with quiet the innovation: Smart car snowmobiles. The friends have swapped the tires for skis and tracks on their Smart cars and are hitting the trails in complete comfort.
Ever wonder who builds the parks for many of the Winter X Games and countless on-snow competitions? We caught up with Snow Park Technologies. The company has been building parks for the X Games for over 20 years and continued tradition this past winter.
Now a staple at many ski resorts and areas, did you know that the company behind Magic Carpet Lifts didn’t start in the snow industry at all? In fact, after their first snow lift system was installed, they all but forgot about the product! Learn more on this fascinating history.
As always, I hope you enjoy this issue of SnowOps and that you find the articles beneficial. Don’t forget to reach out if you have any comments or topics that you would like to see in upcoming issues. Finally, be sure to like and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
Please take care of each other and yourselves,

Lindsay Risto