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ISSN 2369-3886
September 2020 | Vol 7. | No. 3
Welcome to a new issue of
SnowOps and the start of
a new snow season for
North America. Watching
industry’s response to the COVID-19
pandemic on social media through-out
the off-season has been inspiring.
We are a hearty bunch that adapts to
whatever conditions are thrown at
us. Despite the challenges industry
faces with the coming season – travel
restrictions, reopening efforts, etc.
– there will be opportunities for suc-cesses
as the public continues to be
encouraged to explore their own back-yard.
I’m interested to hear if there is
an uptick in local visitors to ski resorts
and areas this season.
I will admit, the fluidity and uncer-tainty
of the pandemic have made
planning coverage in these pages par-ticularly
difficult this time around. The
picture is not clear for North America
with many areas facing lockdown,
some reopening and others scaling
back reopening efforts. For this reason,
the decision was made to proceed with
our annual pre-season planning issue.
Upcoming issues of SnowOps will in-clude
more COVID-19-related cover-age
as the situation presents itself.
Kicking off the pre-season planning,
how does your ski resort or area mea-sure
snow depth? Advancements in
snow measuring technology provide
some interesting insights. Writer Pat
Rediger explores this on page 12.
An interesting trend is happening
in North America: Nordic ski clubs are
partnering with golf and country clubs
to provide members safe, groomed
trails. Learn about these partnerships
on page 16.
Keep your employees and volunteers
safe and warm this season by explor-ing
the custom cold-weather gear from
Mountain Uniform. Flip to page 21 to
learn how this company has been out-fitting
industry for decades and why
their customers keep coming back.
Lastly, please head over to page 32
for a special Trail Tales. Congratula-tions
to the 2020 inductees to the In-ternational
Snowmobile Hall of Fame,
your contributions to industry and the
sport of snowmobiling are appreciated
by all.
As always, I hope you enjoy this
issue of SnowOps and that you find the
articles beneficial. Don’t forget to reach
out if you have any comments or topics
that you would like to see in upcoming
issues. Finally, be sure to like and follow
us on Facebook and Twitter. All the
best for a great 2020-21 snow season,
see you in 2021!
Please take care of each other and
Lindsay Risto
2 September 2020 |