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170804-Lif-Tech_Ad.indd 1 8/4/17 12:56 PM
• Entry level: Aimed at rookie or in-experienced
operators, this session
includes an eight-hour classroom
component. The focus will be on
what’s happening on the slope and
in the operator’s cab. Instructors will
be available to spend additional time
working one-on-one with students
who require additional instruction.
• Advanced: This section will be avail-able
for operators with at least two
years of experience and will focus on
the more technical aspects of the ve-hicle
and its performance as well as
the attributes of the vehicle. As with
the entry level section, there will also
be an emphasis on operator safety.
• Supervisor/manager: This eight-hour
section will focus mostly on pro-ductivity
and grooming patterns for
supervisors and managers with both
classroom and in-field instruction.
• Machine-made snow: Will ana-lyze
what machine-made snow is
and how best to increase productiv-ity
when working with it, both with a
free grooming vehicle and those with
a winch. It will also look at the differ-ent
types of machine-made snow and
how to safely move snow guns.
• Competition snow: Will focus on
how to create competition-level snow
based on Federation of International
Skiing (FIS) standards. “Competition
snow is totally different snow in terms
of dynamics and construction and
dealing with day-to-day operations,”
said Perkins. This course will be open
to operators as well as ski coaches.
One of the best parts of the program
is that operators, managers and super-visors
won’t have to travel anywhere to
be part of it. Both the classroom and
in-field sessions will take place where
they work, with the instructor coming
on site to spend time with them.
Perkins says Kässbohrer has made
every effort to make the program af-fordable
in order to make it accessible
to as many people as possible. Accord-ing
to him, the program will pay for
itself, for both large and smaller scale
operations, by significantly increasing
efficiencies and productivity within
snow grooming operations.
24 September 2017 | snowopsmag.com