Model 20SG
not improve the visual experience. To
be sure, magnetic induction lighting
like Snow-Bright™ is not designed like
a headlight and would not be used for
that purpose. The coincidental ability
to mount the smaller 60-watt and 150-
watt fixtures using an inverter provides
an easy way to maximize grooming vis-ibility.
The expression “I can’t see for look-ing”
applies to grooming. It means
you’ve been looking too long and too
hard, but you can’t see what you’re
looking for.
Experiments with various lighting
schemes demonstrate the effectiveness
of using a “field” of light as opposed to a
focused beam. Notice the effects of us-ing
a single 60-watt Snow-Bright™ light
mounted on a snowmobile. Figure 3
shows the contrast between the slope
lighting and the projected light. When
mounted on a snow-cat, the light can
be projected further along the visual
field since the mounting would be
higher. The wider visual field combined
with extraordinary snow surface detail
improves the effectiveness and increas-es
the positive outcome.
Nikola Tesla invented magnetic in-duction
lighting in 1891 where it was
rejected by Thomas Edison – the bulbs
lasted too long and that was not a good
business model. After more than 126
years, Tesla’s invention is answering
the call for the highest quality light us-ing
the least amount of energy.
Figure 3: Contrast
between slope
lighting and the
projected light
34 September 2017 | snowopsmag.com