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organizations are billing. We receive maps individualized for
each club, and we lay that over to compare and find incon-sistencies.”
Brewer says that satellite mapping provides reliable
groomer tracking and coverage, whether the area is within or
beyond cell coverage – an important consideration given the
remoteness of some of the trails.
“One-third of our groomer fleet goes in and out of areas
without cell coverage. Groomers can also lose coverage in
areas supported by cell networks, resulting in inconsistent
reporting,” said Brewer.
With this solution and the reliability of the satellite net-work,
there are no gaps in coverage. Clubs can also use the
satellite tracking solution to map the GPS location coordi-nates
of groomers in real time, which helps improve safety of
operators while monitoring the location of equipment.
Reliable satellite-based groomer tracking solutions, such
as the system AtlasTrax has developed, are helping to mod-ernize
the snowmobile grooming industry and transform op-erational
processes. A new bar has also been set for groomer
safety and real-time tracking, with proven results experienced
by snowmobile organizations such as the OFSC, WSSTP and
SSA. As more snowmobile organizations adopt satellite so-lutions
for improved groomer tracking and interactive map-ping,
accurate reporting of trail conditions and better billing
processes, their focus will shift to leveraging these new tools
to promote safety and outdoor fun for trail riders – which is
really what it is all about.
“We also provide 24/7 customer
support, which is very important
to the associations, particularly
from the perspectives of
groomer usage optimization,
safety and security.”
– Fred Marsh, CEO of AtlasTrax Communications
38 September 2017 | snowopsmag.com