Rainbow Rubber & Plastics, Inc. 113 Dries Road, Reading, PA 19605
(phone) 888.438.2446 (fax) 610.685.7574 www.rainbowbelts.com
“We’ve redesigned our tracks to offer greater durability,
even in the most difficult winter conditions. Both the inner
and outer layers are made from this new recipe rubber, so
they last longer and float better, too,” said François Soucy,
vice-president, Sales at Soucy International.
To date, more than 100 clubs in Canada and the United
States have opted for the Soucy four-track tractor system to
groom their trails.
New tool helps reduce
evacuation times for ski
resort ground personnel
Quicklyne™, a new tool invented by Jim Glazier of Shaker Cor-poration,
reduces the time it takes to evacuate skiers strand-ed
on dysfunctional chairlifts. The patent-pending device
was shown at the National Ski Areas Association convention
in Arizona in May for the first time to enthusiastic attendees.
“Being a ski patroller for 10 years, dealing with the risks,
problems and time to evacuate guests from disabled chairs,
led me to create this device,” said Glazier, president and CEO
of Shaker Corporation. “Quicklyne allows personnel to more
quickly place a haul rope and evacuation seat directly to each
chair without the need to climb towers or advance ropes
down the cable. The time this tool saves could be lifesaving
when the wind is blowing and temperatures drop!”
Mounted to the head of each chair, Quicklyne is easily acti-vated
by seated guests, who then lower a cable from the tool
to ground personnel. The evacuation team connects the haul
rope to the cable ring, and elevates the rope directly into po-sition
on the chair. No more climbing towers and endanger-ing
evacuation personnel!
Costs are minimal when compared to a climbing accident
and priceless when reducing the evacuation of guests. For
more information, visit Quicklyne.com.
40 September 2017 | snowopsmag.com