Polar Bear Riders grooming
the last stretch of trail
Satellite Tracking
in the Snow
Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs, Saskatchewan
Snowmobile Association and Wyoming State Snowmobile Trails
Program find success with satellite technology
By Globalstar Canada Satellite Co.
When the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile
Clubs (OFSC) decided to launch a province-wide
pilot satellite program to track its fleet
of snowmobile trail groomers, it was focused
primarily on improving mapping and reporting processes.
It chose technology from AtlasTrax called GroomTrax, a
satellite tracking solution consisting of mapping software
integrated with Globalstar satellite data modems. The satel-lite
solution provides real-time, asset-based tracking, moni-toring
and reliable data communications beyond the reach
of cellular networks. Following the success of its pilot, the
OFSC is now in its third season using satellite tracking, with
similar organizations in Saskatchewan and Wyoming fol-lowing
closely in its tracks.
The OFSC is a volunteer-led, not-for-profit association that
provides the voice for organized snowmobiling in Ontario. Its
mission is to provide leadership to member organizations to
enable exceptional snowmobile trails and rider experienc-es
throughout the province. As a provincial federation, the
OFSC strives to fully understand and consistently meet the
needs and expectations of all its various members. With an
impressive expanse of more than 30,000 kilometres of trails
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