the tracking and reporting needs of this industry and as such,
our solution is unique. For example, we’ve configured the sys-tem
so that our detailed reports and mapping software cap-tures
and reports groomer GPS position and speed in real
time. We also provide 24/7 customer support, which is very
important to the associations, particularly from the perspec-tives
of groomer usage optimization, safety and security.”
The GroomTrax devices have been deployed across the
OFSC’s fleet of snowmobile trail groomers providing operators
with reliable connectivity and coverage even along the most
remote trails, beyond cellular. With satellite, the OFSC is able
to more accurately track groomer time and trail coverage, with
accurate GPS reports delivered through a web portal every 15
minutes. This solution not only helps the organization better
monitor grooming activities but it also provides a significant
contribution to overall operations management: efficiency in
the allocation of groomers across the trail network, and au-tomated
data reporting into the internal systems of the asso-ciations
(including payroll). The satellite tracking solution is
unique in that it helps address the growing demand for inter-active
trail maps for route planning, improved safety along the
trails, reliable connectivity for groomers and more transpar-ency
with regard to grooming practices and reporting.
OFSC’s business systems manager Kai Statulevicius ex-plains
that the organization is also seeing efficiencies gener-ated
from the digital data and reporting capabilities.
“Having access to real-time digital grooming hours stream-lines
the reporting methodology and creates opportunities
for continuous efficiencies in the collection and distribution
of quantitative information,” said Statulevicius.
Josh Milek, regional supervisor for Wyoming State Snow-mobile
Trails Program (WSSTP), says that some of the chal-lenges
their organization was experiencing prior to deploy-ing
the GroomTrax satellite tracking solution included not
“knowing the locations where groomers may be stuck or bro-ken
down along a route, or what trails have been groomed.”
Milek added that with the real-time information available,
they will soon have an interactive map on their website that
Tube Parks –
The New Revenue
Globalstar SmartOne
Data Modem
The Globalstar SmartOne is a simplex
data modem that utilizes motion sensors,
comparative GPS positions and custom
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asset status information. Each SmartOne
is configured to track its asset’s specific
needs and provide intermediate and
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modems are ruggedized and designed to
continue to communicate with satellites while
covered with up to three feet of snow.
will display the grooming data for users to see, including
what trails have been groomed and when. The WSSTP is a
user-funded program that grooms an average of 68,000 miles
per year, on a network of over 2,000 miles of snowmobile trail
that covers every mountain range in the state of Wyoming.
The Saskatchewan Snowmobile Association (SSA) has also
deployed GroomTrax for its fleet of groomers. With 47 mem-ber
clubs and responsibility for over 10,000 kilometers of inter-connected
snowmobile trails, the SSA is focused on ensuring
the safety and security of its fleet of 58 groomers while allow-ing
member clubs to be able to track their own equipment.
The CEO and president of SSA, Chris Brewer, says that in
choosing GroomTrax, the association’s goal was to tie the so-lution
in with the association’s funding formula to improve
accuracy within billing and reporting systems.
“We are audited annually and use digital analytics for re-porting,”
said Brewer. “We tie this against what our member
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snowopsmag.com | SnowOps 37