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ISSN 2369-3886
September 2017 | Vol 4. | No. 3
www.snowopsmag.com Snow Season:
Almost here!
While it’s hard to believe
that another summer
is already coming to a
close, it means that we’ll
soon be seeing snow on the ground
and snow season is just around the
Earlier this year, I received an email
from Jeff Hughes, the lead groomer at
the Greater Bragg Creek Trails Asso-ciation
(GBCTA) in Bragg Creek, Alta.
He told me that the trails systems in
the area have been a big contributing
factor in revitalizing Bragg Creek after
the area experienced severe flooding
a few years ago, and that the GBCTA
had an interesting fleet of grooming
equipment. Read the article that came
from that conversation, starting on
page 6, and learn more about the Japa-nese
trucks that the GBCTA are so im-pressed
As we gear up for the 2017–18 sea-son,
we wanted to include a few arti-cles
that you may find helpful. The first
discusses emergency preparedness
when working in avalanche-prone ar-eas;
that article starts on page 12. You’ll
also find an article about wearable
technology in the form of clothing that
uses specialized heating technology to
keep you warm while you’re out in the
snow; that article is on page 19. Our
good friends at Kässbohrer All Terrain
Vehicles launched their PRO ACAD-EMY
program at the National Ski Areas
Association’s conference in Scottsdale,
Ariz., and let us in on the details on
page 22. PRO ACADEMY is open to all
snow groomers in the U.S. and Canada.
The next issue of SnowOps will be
coming your way in January; until then,
I hope that all of our readers enjoy the
beginning of winter and are able to find
as much time as possible for the great
outdoors. And in the meantime, stay
connected to SnowOps by liking and
following us on Facebook and Twitter!
Happy reading,
Jill Harris
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