GPS way points plotted on a satellite-generated computer
map enable real-time tracking of trail groomers
and 213 member organizations, the OFSC has its focus on ef-ficiently
monitoring and tracking its fleet of approximately
320 industrial groomers.
The GroomTrax solution from AtlasTrax consists of a
small, self-contained satellite-based tracking device, which
is able to operate for a full season without the need for wir-ing,
battery replacement or operator attention. The solution
“Having access to real-time
digital grooming
hours streamlines the
reporting methodology
and creates opportunities
for continuous efficiencies
in the collection and
distribution of quantitative
– Kai Statulevicius, Ontario Federation
of Snowmobile Clubs
includes mapping software integrated with the power of a
Globalstar satellite data modem, providing customizable re-ports
and maps through a web portal.
“Our solution has been developed over a number of years,
working closely with Globalstar and the snowmobile associa-tions,”
said Fred Marsh, CEO of AtlasTrax Communications.
“We’ve optimized the GroomTrax system specifically to meet
Whistler BC, Steamboat, Killington, Deer Valley, Big sky, Bogus Basin,
Welch Village, Steamboat, Killington , Deer Valley, Big sky, Bogus Basin,
Mt Bachelor, Alyeska,
Whistler BC, Steamboat, Killington, Deer Valley, Big sky, Sunapee, Breckenridge, Keystone, Berkshire East, Windham, Parkcity,
Steamboat, Killington, Deer Killington, Deer Valley, Big sky, Sunapee, Breckenridge, Keystone, Grand Targhee, Windham, Parkcity, Bryce, Mt Bachelor, Alyeska, Northstar at Tahoe, Stevens Pass, The Canyons, Sun Valley,Sunapee, Breckenridge, Keystone, Grand Targhee
Sunapee, Breckenridge, Keystone, Grand Targhee, Windham, Parkcity, Whistler BC, Steamboat, Killington, Deer Valley, Big sky, Sunapee, Breckenridge, Keystone, Grand Targhee, Windham, Parkcity, Bryce, Mt Bachelor, Alyeska, Northstar at Tahoe, Stevens Big sky, Bogus Basin,
Sunapee, Breckenridge, Keystone, Grand Targhee, Windham, Parkcity, Bryce, Mt Bachelor, Alyeska, Northstar at Tahoe, Stevens Pass, The Canyons, Sun Valley,
Steamboat, Killington, Deer Valley,Whistler BC, Steamboat, Killington, Deer Valley, Big sky, Sunapee, Breckenridge, Keystone, Grand Targhee, Windham, Parkcity, Bryce, Mt Bachelor, Alyesk
Tahoe, Steavens Pass, The Canyons, Sun Valley, Whistler BC, Steamboat, Deer Valley, Killington, Big sky, Sunape
Windham, Parkcity, Bryce, Mt Bachelor, Alyeska, Northstar at Tahoe, Stevens Pass, The Canyons, Sun Vall
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36 September 2017 | snowopsmag.com